My Brief Answer

In this article, a UK trade union makes the following demand:

Unison is proposing that chief executives responsible for climate-wrecking schemes should be hauled up before school children to explain their actions.

Here is my brief response:

I run my own business and would love the opportunity to explain to school children why those who try to frighten them about their effect on climate have more to do with controlling them than helping them. I would love to explain why global warming alarmism is hugely exaggerated. Unfortunately, this platform never exists because alarmists, beginning with Al Gore, evade and avoid debate at all costs.  Putting me in front of school children to tell my story on global warming is exactly what alarmists don’t want.

My son today asked me why we live in a world with so many problems.  I responded that he needs to check his perspective.  On a historical scale, compared to anyone from any prior generation, our life is a piece of cake.  The reason things seem so bad in the media is because politicians and others want us to give up our rights.  No one gives up their rights voluntarily, but sometimes can be tricked into doing so in an "emergency."  It is therefore in the best interest of those who want power over us to try to convince us that there is some kind of emergency out there.

As a counter challenge, I would love for global warming alarmists to explain in return to school children why our generation enjoyed the benefits of economic growth and near universal wealth (at least by historical standards) but our kids on the other hand must accept poverty due to a grand global fetish surrounding a trace atmospheric gas and a few tenths of a degree of temperature change.

2 thoughts on “My Brief Answer”

  1. In the brief answer is this line, “I run my own business and would love the opportunity to explain to school children why those who try to frighten them about their effect on climate have more to do with controlling them than helping them.”
    Many of use think that way, if only because it’s true!
    In H. L. Mencken’s words: “The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it.”

  2. “The reason things seem so bad in the media is …”
    There are many other reasons besides the one you give.
    1. Selling newspapers. A scary news story (usually amounting to “global warming is going to be even worse than we thought!”) sells papers. Have you ever seen the headline “global warming not as bad as we feared”?
    2. Politicians look tough, and their approval ratings rise, if they can appear to be facing up to a challenging crisis (as long as it’s not their fault). Everyone rallies round the leader in a time of war or crisis.
    3. Some ‘climate scientists’ exaggerate global warming to exaggerate the importance of their own work and to attract more funding for their vital planet-saving research.
    4. Politics. Global warming hype is a great way to attack the US way of life and the Bush administration in particular.

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