The Australian Broadcasting Company (ABC) web site has an absolutely horrible kid’s game called "Planet Slayer." In this game, kids answer lifestyle questions and the program tells them when they should die because they have used up their "fair share" of the world’s resources. The less politically correct kids are, or the wealthier they are, the sooner they are told they should die. Accepting the default, average choices in the games tells kids they should die when they are 9 years old.
Yeah, I know you think I am exaggerating. Because this is likely to get pulled down soon, I will show you a series of screenshots from it. Whether it gets pulled down or not, a major media company (with all of its famed multiple levels of editorial control) thought this was a good game for kids. I actually delayed publishing this, because I wanted to make sure this was not some kind of hack or joke site. But you can get there right from the ABC home page by clicking "science" in the top menu and clicking on the planet slayer game icon at the bottom of the science page. I still wonder whether it’s a put on – it’s that bad.
Here is the landing page (click on any page to increase the size):
Yep, that little sign does indeed say "find out when you should die." Here the game is explained:
Here is the first question:
With each question, if you choose any answer that might not indicate that you are a subsistence farmer in Africa living on a $1 a day, your pig gets fatter. I really encourage you to check out the whole thing. It is one politically correct litmus test after another. My pig got slightly fatter, until I got to this one:
Answering that you spend any more than $10,000 AUS (about a 1:1 conversion with US dollars), your pig will get really fat. The wealthier you are, the more evil you are in a direct relationship. It is a point I have made for a while: global warming alarmists consider their preferred solution to environmental issues to be universal poverty.
There is me, really evil, because I earn a good living. And, as we can see with this question, since I spend my money on ordinary stuff that I actually want, rather than where the authors would like me to spend it, I really suck. When you hit the final button, you pig is actually exploded in a bloody mess (yes, the red is blood). As it turns out, I should have been strangled at birth:
Hat tip to Watts Up With That. Really, in some ways this is an awesome game. Never have I seen such a pure combination of Marxist-style zero-sum economics with science-challenged warming alarmism.
I don’t think I need to bother refuting any of this. If you are new to the site, you can find a basic refutation of zero-sum economics here and a series of resources on global warming, from a book to free Youtube videos, here.