Donna Laframboise and Richard Tol have some pretty devastating criticisms of the IPCC working group 3 report.
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Donna Laframboise and Richard Tol have some pretty devastating criticisms of the IPCC working group 3 report.
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Much of this goes to demonstrate, integrity is independant of education and intelligence. “Global warming Gore”, started out believing unborn life was sacred. When he precieved this view would harm his ambitions, he just chose to believe what he thought would help him. Most humans fall prey to similar self delusion sooner or later. We believe what we want to believe. Today, our constitution, is the enemy of short sighted, self centered “know it alls” whose goals have little to do with objective truth. God help us all!!
I fail to see any validity to the qualifier “[t]oday” in your statement “[t]oday, our constitution, is the enemy of short sighted, self centered ‘know it alls'”. It seems to me quite clear this isn’t anything new. My reading of history suggests it’s been so for at least as long as history. At various times parts of our Constitution have variously been negated through interpretation, simply ignored, or even openly and blatantly violated. The character and composition of our society has changed over time, yes, in a plethora of ways and areas. But the trend you cite in particular seems less a trend than simply a constant.
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.