Climate Science Process The Real Hockey Stick November 20, 2009 admin 3 Comments From PHD Comics via Flowing Data, check out the lower left.
Anthony Watts has a new hockey stick. The hits at his website have skyrocketed since the hacking of the CRU servers.
Tip: Use a logarithmic scale on the y-axis. In that way we can see changes going faster than exponential and also the small movements that might go viral. Whats not to love with log-scales?! 🙂
The climate J curve is quite apparent when you look at the carbon.
Anthony Watts has a new hockey stick. The hits at his website have skyrocketed since the hacking of the CRU servers.
Tip: Use a logarithmic scale on the y-axis. In that way we can see changes going faster than exponential and also the small movements that might go viral. Whats not to love with log-scales?! 🙂