Via Tom Nelson, emphasis added:
In the Corn Belt, widespread frost was reported this morning across the Great Lakes region, including much of Wisconsin and Michigan. In isolated locations, hard freezes (temperatures at or below 28 degrees F) may have posed a threat to fruit crops—such as cherries—and emerged corn and soybeans. Elsewhere in the Midwest, crop development remains slow due to below-normal temperatures, while isolated showers dot areas west of the Mississippi River.
So, if air temperatures rose to, say, 100°C, that would be pretty awesome for crops, wouldn’t it? Because hot is good, and it’s as simple as that, right?
Nice strawman “Scientist”
Historically, warmer temperatures are good for agriculture. Climatologists used to call warm periods “climatic optimums.” They stopped when global warming became official policy.
It would quite amazing to see temperatures rise to 100 degree Celsius in matter of minutes, or maybe days, or maybe years, or maybe 100s of years or even thousands of years…. which is it?
Mankind will have adapt to any climate change that comes (hot or cold), “weather” 🙂 it comes from man forcing it, or just a natural cycle. Isn’t it likely that the Earth will experience extreme temperatures again without man forcing it?
Does it really matter how this change occurs because mankind will still need to adapt to how it does things and some people will still die off. That’s just part of the cycle of life. I plan on adapting not whining.
Scientist states:
“So, if air temperatures rose to, say, 100°C, that would be pretty awesome for crops, wouldn’t it? Because hot is good, and it’s as simple as that, right?”
That statement is as vacuous as AGW claims. Are you referring to the air temperature at the poles, the Sahara or Gobi deserts, at Tmin or Tmax, Stratosphere…????
Scientist, can you ever connect to reality, or are you permanently fixed on 13 year old smart aleck??
By the way, for many crops it WOULD be pretty awesome!! (statement in same vein as your original!!)
Scientist brilliantly writes:
“So, if air temperatures rose to, say, 100°C, that would be pretty awesome for crops, wouldn’t it? Because hot is good, and it’s as simple as that, right?”
Do you realize that is the BOILING POINT of H2O? Also known as 212 degrees farenheit?
I am sure you exaggerated a little.How about instead of a dumb comment.Try a real counterpoint (if you have one that is) against the observed reality that unusual frost damage occurred in the aforementioned areas.
If this is all you have.Then you are just making a mockery of your moniker name you chose.